If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Monday, August 12, 2024

Bits of This and That - Hello Monday


It's Monday and I'm linking up with Holly Sarah for Hello Monday. 

On Friday, hubby and I went out to lunch and I ran into Walmart to get a few things and then we stayed home the rest of the day.

Saturday we grabbed some Chinese food at a new to us restaurant and took it home with plans to be at home the rest of the day.  I was scrolling FB Saturday afternoon and found out that our town's Ladies Night Out was from 4p-9p that day.  I called my sister and we went down and had so much fun.  We'd never been there for Ladies Night Out.  I think they have it several different times during the year.  Most of the downtown shops are open and then they have some food samples and drinks in the some of the storms.  You get a card and if you go to 15 places and get your card stamped, you are entered into a chance to win a really nice gift.  Of course, we had to do that.  We bought a couple things, but mostly just walked and looked and just had a great time being together.  We ended up staying a lot longer than we anticipated.  Here are a couple photos I took.

This is inside the Golden Lamb which
is the oldest continually opened inn in Ohio.

This photo and the next couple photos were
from the Golden Lamb Gift Shop.  My sister
 has this nativity set and she bought a
couple of these pieces to add to her nativity.

These flowers were in a window box outside a store (see below).  If you look really closely had the purple flowers some of those little flecks on them, are stars.  So beautiful!

This is the book store Kelli and I visited when she was in town. And below is their resident cat.

Bookstore cat

Of course, Sunday we had church and a nap in the afternoon between services. The pre-recorded sermon is below.


Then that evening I got a call from my sister that she had her husband at the local emergency room and they said he had a heart attack and they were taking him to their hospital and straight into the cath lab to have a procedure done.  She called to see if I would go with her as she didn't want to drive by herself.  It's about a 30 minute drive.  So I met her at the ER and went with her.  He came through the procedure and was resting comfortably when we left around 1:00am.  I don't have an update yet, but she's at the hospital and will let me know when she finds out more about what's going on.  I'm heading out in a minute to go let her dog out for a bit.  If you pray, I know he would appreciate you praying for him.

So, that is my weekend.  How was yours?



  1. Wow, your weekend was a whirlwind too, and all good until that phone call. I am glad you are close enough to your sister to be able to go and help her like that. That is a real blessing. And yes, I will pray for your brother in law. Strange how things happen so quickly that can change our lives completely. But God is in control, and I know He is with your sister and her hubby. Thank you for sharing this with us. Praying.

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers. That means so much to them and to me.

  2. I don't think our tri-communities have anything like "Ladies Night Out" ... but what a great idea! That little bookstore looks so inviting; just the sort of place I'd enjoy losing track of time.
    Praying NOW for your brother-in-law and sis.

  3. Oh boy; prayers for your sister and her husband. That sounds so scary!

  4. I will say a prayer for your brother-in-law right now. I love the ladies. night out idea. I live in a small town and that would be a fun thing for them to organize. Beautiful flowers!

  5. That ladies night sounds fun! I am so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law and will pray for him.

  6. Sounds like you had a lot of fun! I have the Willow Tree Nativity set too. I like to visit bookstores too. Enjoy your week!

  7. Sorry to hear about your brother n law, hope he's doing well. Ladies night out sounds wonderful, it's good that you and your sister had fun and quality time together. Loved all the pictures!!

  8. Sending prayers for a speedy recovery for your brother in law!

  9. Prayers lifted for your brother-in-law! Please keep us posted. Your ladies' night out sounds like lots of fun! I enjoyed your photos - especially the shop cat!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
