If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Monday, August 19, 2024

Bits of This and That - Hello Monday

It's Monday morning and it's going to be a good day.  Every day is a good day when I wake up on this side of the dirt.  Hope you are going to have a good day too.  My plans for today have already changed.  When I got up this morning, I did not plan on taking a walk, well at least not more than was necessary to get Lucy to take care of business.  Then when she wouldn't go in the yard, I ended up putting on some clothes (I just can't walk the neighborhood in my pj's.) and we took off for a walk.  Actually, I'm glad we did it.  It was so nice out, only 64 degrees and sunny and we both enjoyed it.  

Hubby and I then got cleaned up and picked up some breakfast at Burger King and now we're at the church.  We stopped at one of the Little Library's in town and dropped off a few books I had in the car.  They had some really good books in there too, but I didn't take any this time, as I've recently downloaded several to my Kindle and that's what I'm currently reading.  

My plans today are to finish this post, check in with some friends' blogs, and do some Bible study prepping for our upcoming Fall Study.  I'm also hoping to practice the piano some and then maybe watch a documentary series that I started over the weekend and do some crochet.  Time will tell if I get to all that or not.

Hubby and I had a very quiet weekend.  I finished a book and started another.  Did some normal housework and went to lunch on Saturday with his mom.  We had 2 good services on Sunday and I'll post the pre-recorded sermon below. 

I'm also linking up with Holly & Sarah for Hello Monday.  Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a really great week.




  1. Between the painters and the landscape crew I have so many vehicles at my house today it's making me a little crazy. I had to get groceries and somehow managed to squeeze out of the driveway. I bought two bags of ice and forgot to get them from the freezer but told hubs I was not getting that car out again. He will get it when he goes out later. I need to go for a walk but it is so toasty here still. Maybe this evening. The dog put himself in his crate because this is all a lot, even for him lol. Have a great day!

    1. Oh my Joyce! I don't know how you're doing it and that sounds like one smart dog! lol

  2. Sounds like a great Monday to me. I sure would love some temps in the 60's, w♥on't happen here for a while. Enjoy your Monday☺♥

    1. It really is nice out. It's 12:38 and still only 74 degrees!

  3. Sounds like your week is off to a very good start. Lovely morning temperatures for a walk. And I'm with you - no pjs while walking the dog!!

    1. If I can stay close to the house, I'll do it or after dark, I'll go out on the road in front of the house. But I'd rather not.

  4. Sounds like a relaxing weekend- hope your week is wonderful!

  5. I'm glad you got out and walked. Breakfast sounds good too! Enjoy your time on the piano.

  6. OH, those cool temperatures sure do sound delightful! I am really looking forward to that sometime maybe in late September or early October here. LOL. I wanted to go out and sit in the Secret Memorial Garden, but it was just too humid and warm even at 7:00 in the morning! I hope you got to do all the things you wanted to do today. Sounds like a good day to have a good day!!

  7. How wonderful to feel the 60's again! I'll bet Lucy loved it. Our girls always get a little spring in their step when that happens.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
