If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tuesday 4 - More About You...


More About You...


Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4..
 Let's jump right into the questions for this week....  Click on "More About You..." for the link and also the questions for today.

1. What are you best known for in your family or among friends?  Probably that I talk a lot and laugh a lot and try to always find the silver lining in most all situations.

2. Were you popular in school? No, not popular, but I had plenty of friends.  I think we moved too often to ever be popular. I went to 3 elementaries, 1 junior high and 2 high schools.

3. Would you rather take a drive in the country or shop in town on a day off? Depends on the weather and who I'm with.  I like doing both.

4. Are you a member of any societies, clubs or associations or were you at any time?  Did you enjoy them? No, I'm not a member of anything.  However, I have a church family, a crochet group, and a Bible Study Group and blogging friends, too.  And I enjoy all of these groups.

Lucy and I went for another walk this morning, a little longer and a little farther.  Today, it was only 54 degrees when we went and it's 10:30 now and it's still only 63.  I actually wore a hoodie this morning even. Kind of crazy in August, even for Ohio.  lol

Thanks for visiting.



  1. I 💛 someone who talks a lot, laughs a lot ... and is optimistic, too. Those are enviable traits!

  2. I have to admire that you get out and walk. I am not a morning person. I do need to get to back to the gym. It is 100 today as I type this. We can get hot weather until the end of October. I like you hat!

  3. You sound like my kind of friend! I was always known for talking a lot and laughing and singing a lot. I enjoyed your post answers, and I love the pic at the end. How wonderful to have such nice cool walking weather already!! Enjoy it for me! We tried to take a walk a little while ago at 6 pm, and it was still 92 and too hot to stay out for long. I am looking forward to Fall. Whenever it gets here.

  4. I enjoyed your answers, Cathy!! Your August temps sound delightful!! It is still HOT here in central FL. Enjoy!!

  5. Very chilly here in NJ too. I am bundled up this morning and yesterday was only 50. Thanks for joining in!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
