If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Saturday 9


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I Get Around

From Sam: "Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here are today's questions!"

Saturday 9: I Get Around (1964)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) 60 years ago this month, the Beach Boys were singing that having a cool car and helped them get girls. In your teen years, what did you drive? I got my driver's license when I was 17 and at that time if I drove at all, it was the family car which was a light yellow Buick LeSabre.  I think I was probably 18-19 when I bought my first car and it was a maroon 1967 Ford Fairlane with a hole in the floorboard. lol

2) They are searching for a new place to party. This weekend, will you be visiting any bars, theaters or restaurants? We're going to lunch at Fazoli's today.

3) When Brian Wilson was forming the group, he turned to his friend Al Jardine, his brothers Dennis and Carl, and his cousin, Mike Love. Though most of their songs were about cars, beaches and surf, only one of those founding members was a surfer: Dennis. Do you enjoy the beach? Are you good on a surfboard? I enjoy the beach.  I do not surf, however I used to body surf.  Now, I just like to walk on the beach and look for sharks' teeth and shells.

4) They were originally from Hawthorne, California. Hawthorne was the early childhood home of Marilyn Monroe. Since Marilyn was one of the most iconic women of the 20th century, we know you recognize her image. Have you seen any of her movies? I have seen some, but it's been a long time.

5) "I Get Around" is included in Endless Summer, the greatest hits compilation released in 1974. Influential music critic Robert Christgau said Endless Summer should be part of any basic record library. What's one of your favorite CDs? I don't know what would be a favorite CD, but my favorite music is southern gospel. Always has been and I suppose always will be.

Let's look at the summer of 1964.

6) The #1 film of the summer of 1964 was Walt Disney's Mary Poppins. Have you seen it? Yes, I have seen it and also I've read several of P.L. Travers' Mary Poppins books.

7) President Lyndon Johnson accepted the Democratic party's nomination at the August 1964 convention in Atlantic City, NJ. Atlantic City is known for casinos and gambling. Do you often play the lottery, bingo, or any other game of chance? No, I don't. 

8) Billionaire Amazon founder Jeff Bezos was still a baby in the summer of 1964. What was in your most recent Amazon delivery? My dog mom hat.

9) Another little one born in '64 is Mariska Hargitay. The star of Law & Order: SVU is the daughter of a well-known movie star. Without looking it up, do you know who her mother was? No, I do not know (until I read Terri's answers)



  1. #1: I love that you remember that hole in the floorboard. (It makes me think of Fred Flintstone!) #9: You may not know the answer, but you get points for honesty. :)

  2. Love your hat! As a matter of fact, I'm drinking my coffee out of a "Dog Mom" mug.
    I used to be envious of California surfer-types, but with all the recent shark attacks (off the coast of Alabama) I'm not anxious to get back in the water.

    1. I agree. I'm happy just wading along the shore.

  3. Sorry... I gave away the answer!! Love your Dog's Mom hat!! I enjoyed your answers and am glad you decided to join in! Happy weekend!

    1. These were fun to answer and read everyone else's answers.

  4. A hole in the floorboard! Cool detail.

    1. It was pretty funny actually. It didn't seem to stop anyone from riding with me. lol

  5. I fell in love with southern gospel music several years ago when my husband and I were dating. The Cathedrals and The Martins performed at our church on different dates and we went. I LOVED it so much. Ray Boltz also came one time. They only did those concerts that one year. They were good though. I was in our church choir and Bebe Winans came to sing with us one Easter. That was so much fun. Loved your answers! Have a great weekend! ♥

    P.S.. Love that Dog Mom hat!!


    1. How cool that you got to see with Bebe Winans. I love the Cathedrals and the Martins.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
