If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Monday, August 26, 2024

Bits of This and That


Good Morning:

It's a beautiful Monday morning.  I took a short walk with Lucy while it was still in the 60's.  Planning to finish up that time I need to close the ring on my Apple Watch before the day is over. I may walk up and down the aisles here at church to get my last 10 minutes or so in.  It'll be a lot cooler in here as opposed to the 90 some degrees it's supposed to get today.  I'm pretty proud of myself that I walked at least 30 minutes all 7 days last week and want to continue that trend this week.

Beautiful sunset skies

It appears he has outgrown the kids' meals and is now moved onto to
 a Big Mac.  I sure do love this boy more that I can even say.

Early morning sky.  If you look close you can see the moon is still out.

We spent a lot of time at home this weekend.  I read an entire book by Linda Ford on Friday and then started another by her, which I'm still working on.  

I've been struggling with the pink blanket I've been working on (crochet).  I started it out too big and I wasn't sure I was going to have enough yarn.  So when I laid it out to measure and see what I thought, I saw that for some reason it was getting wider as I went and about 5-6 rows back I noticed an error I had made.  So I decided right then and there to start completely over.  Now mind you, I had probably used 5-6 skeins of yarn already.  But I did it anyway and I think I'm much happier for it.  I still will have to frog what I've already done because I'm going to need that yarn.  But it's worth it.  If I'm going to make something, I want to be happy with it.  I'm not saying it has to be perfect, but it needs to make me happy and proud to give it to someone.  For those of you who crochet or knit, have you ever frogged a project that you've already spent hours working on?  Was it worth it?

Hubby preached a really good sermon on Sunday morning.  He's been doing a series on the names of God.  Sunday's was Jehovah Adonai.  The pre-recorded sermon is below.

Sunday was also hubby's birthday.  We had a very quiet day (which is what he wanted).  We are taking the week off next week and we plan to celebrate both of our birthdays sometime that week.  I love this man with all my heart and am so blessed to call him mine.  God has been good to us both.

So how was your weekend?


Linking up with Hello Monday, Holly and Sarah


  1. Happy birthday to your hubs! My hubs birthday is this coming weekend. I've loved the cooler mornings, but we're creeping back up into hot weather this week so I guess that was just a tease for fall. Officially still another month of summer. I've been Christmas shopping so it feels later than it is! Have a nice day!

    1. Thanks Joyce and Happy Birthday to your husband. Yes, we're getting hotter here too.

  2. Way to go on walking! I am so happy to see a photo of Colton. Sorry about the issue with your blanket.

  3. I don't knit or crochet but my mother was knitting me a sweater and I think that poor women restarted each and every pieces of that sweater at least twice! It ended up being a multi year process but wow the end results were incredible!

  4. I haven't exercised in months,, (walking outside) it has been extremely hot and humid, I am so looking forward to cooler temps. I won't have any excuses then.
    I used to knit and crochet, but haven't in many many years, but have also undone many hrs of work, it was worth the effort though.
    I love to read of the many names of God!

  5. So good you have been walking! I need to get in a better exercise routine, or should I say, any exercise routine!

  6. Congrats on your walking streak! It is the little decisions to do something every day that form life long habits. Our church did a series on the names of God not too long ago. It was a good series. I am glad your husband had a nice birthday. My husband´s is today. He is happy with receiving well wishes from family and friends:).

  7. Way to go (no pun intended) on your 30-minute walks! It's been so stinkin' hot and muggy this Summer I just can't make myself care. Colton has the best expression here, doesn't he? Too cute!
    I hope the extended birthday celebrationS turn out just as you hope!

  8. Happy birthday to you both!! Kudos on meeting your walking goals all last week and starting out good for this week!! Great photos!! Have a blessed week ahead!

  9. Enjoy your time off AND your birthdays!!

  10. Happy Birthday to your hubby, hope he enjoyed a great day. WoW, starting over on your blanker when you were so far along, that had to hurt. But sometimes we just have to do what we have to do. Good for you for walking, even if it's inside the church. Getting good exercise is what counts!

  11. Such beautiful blue skies! I love them. And such a cutie with his big mac:) Hope your husband had a very nice birthday!!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
