If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tuesday 4 - Dark Academia


Dark Academia...

 All words in black are from Annie who Hosts Tuesday4.  You can link up here.  All words in blue are mine.

Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.  Toni loved to have people open their minds and think about things .. think into things.  Let's try that this week okay?      
 A popular trend in home décor and mood background music is called  *Dark Academia and it is based on novels set on old university campuses that have secrets, love affairs, mystery and the scenes and mood these novels evoke.    Velvet sofas, old books, Victorian wallpaper, deep high back chairs, antique photos and paintings,  candles, romantic lighting and classical music are all part of it.

1. Does this picture evoke any feelings in you? If so share what they are please. What is the mood it sets for you? Honestly, the first thing I thought of is Harry Potter.  I know, I'm weird.

2. Put yourself into this scene.  Where are you going? Just out walking and exploring this neighborhood.

3. Do you have a companion or are you going to meet someone? Who is it? I seldom travel alone, so I'd probably have my hubby walking along with me.

4. Using your imagination describe who and what you find inside the foreground building.  Is it a restaurant, library, academic building, a home?    It's a small used bookstore, with a bookstore cat and dog who love to be petted and held by the visitors.   There is lots of comfortable seating so hubby and I intend to spend some time relaxing and browsing with maybe some hot chocolate to sip on.                                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*Dark Academia is a style steeped in the romanticism of literary nostalgia and the academic aesthetic of classical architecture and arts. Originating in the hall of Ivy-covered universities, this style speaks to those who yearn for an era of structured elegance and intellectual pursuit.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great day!



  1. Hot chocolate sounds good to me! My hubby would take a seat in a cozy chair and I would go off
    and explore. Maybe pets are allowed at your bookstore.

  2. I love the thought of this being a cozy bookstore! Makes me think of that splendid old song from My Fair Lady, "All I want is a room somewhere, far away from the cold night air ...."

    1. Yes. I haven't thought of that song in a long time. It's perfect!

  3. Not weird at all. Harry Potter is definitely dark academia! Fits right in perfectly. We blogger sure love our bookstores!

  4. Cathy, Harry Potter was my first thought, too!! Nothing weird about that! This is a fun Tuesday 4!!

    1. Very fun! I wasn't going to do it because I couldn't think of anything, but then I went and read yours and enjoyed it and decided to do it myself. So glad I did. Thanks for the inspiration,

  5. Oh, yes, that would be a great bookstore, and I love the cat and dog and hot chocolate, although it would have to be either tea or hot Ovaltine for me! LOL. I'm glad you have your hubby with you. It's not really a place to walk alone. Good answers!!

    1. Thanks Pam and I'm sure there would be tea too!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
