If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Friday, August 16, 2024

Friday Photos

Good morning!

Tracy and I just came from our chiropractor appointments and are now at the church.  He is recording the sermon for Sunday morning to post on FB and YouTube and I'm here in my little office writing this blog post.  Lots of pictures.

My friend, Traci and I met at Frisch's on Tuesday night. We used to
work together for probably around15 years at the local police department.
We had so much fun catching up.  A group of us try to get together every
 now and then, but this time, it was just she and I who showed up

Loving my new ball hat I got on Amazon.  So many times Lucy and I take a walk in the morning before I get cleaned up and have my hair done for the day.  So I thought this would be the perfect thing for me to wear.

Pretty skies yesterday as we were driving north to Plain City

Here is the Amish Style restaurant where we had lunch.  Food is always 
delicious and it did not disappoint this time either.  I also, picked up 1 donut 
for each of us to take home and eat later.  Sorry, no food pictures, but
everything including the donuts were very good.

After lunch, we went to Yutzy's Farm Market.  I got some yellow tomatoes and some strawberry jam and Amish noodles.  The tomatoes are very good (I had a cheese and tomato sandwich for supper last night).  I haven't tried the strawberry jam or the noodles yet, but I'm sure they will be good too.

We drove through London on the way home and I noticed this 
memorial, so we stopped and took a couple of pictures.

This church was also in London.  It was so pretty so I grabbed a
picture on my way back to the car from the Memorial site.

I also saw this on the way up and stopped on the way back home
to grab a couple of pictures of this historic log house below.  This is
near Cedarville, OH

That's about it for our day.  We both enjoyed the trip very much.  I hope you did too.

Thanks for visiting.




  1. Hi Cathy, I enjoyed all your pictures. I like to take pictures of old churches too. Nice that you could meet up with your friend Traci. We like to go to our local farmers market. Have a nice weekend!

  2. Your trip looks lovely and delicious!

  3. Your trip looked like lots of good times. Good food too. Have a beautiful weekend.

  4. My dad always had yellow tomatoes in his garden and they are SO GOOD. I looks like you had a wonderful visit in the Amish community in Ohio. I wonder if it's the same one my sister likes to visit. I'll have to ask her!! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I rarely ever see any Amish people here. There are a lot of Amish settlements a little more northeast of where we were yesterday. Hoping to go there a little later this year.

  5. Frisch's Big Boy restaurant in Albuquerque used to be a favorite of our church youth group. Milkshakes like I'd not seen before. Or since!

    1. My favorite at Big Boy used to be the Buddy Boy, but they've changed it so it us not as good any more. Now my favorite is the fish sandwich and onion rings,

  6. I have been wanting to visit an Amish or Pennsylvania Dutch community forever!! I think there is one not far from my mother-in-law in Tipp City, Ohio. Or maybe closer to Cincinnati. I just know anything they prepare would be mouth-watering.
    Those tomatoes are amazing. So big!! And I don't even particularly care for tomatoes. Ha!!

    1. There are several around Ohio, but the biggest community I know is in Holmes County, which is north east of our capitol, Columbus. I love going there so much.

  7. That restaurant and market look like such a fun outing! Enjoy your Saturday!

  8. What a nice day you had with your friend. Love the photos and that cabin is so awesome. Love your new hat!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
