If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thankful Thursday

 Good morning.  It's another beautiful day that God has given us and I want to give Him thanks:

*For Lucy who woke me up this morning to take her out.  So I cleaned up enough to go take a walk around the neighborhood.  I love when I can talk myself into getting my exercise done first thing.  Things I'm thankful for during my walk:

            *The beautiful sunshine and wonderful temperatures which were around 50 this morning.

            *Listening to the birds singing and seeing the squirrels running around and waving and saying hi to people that are heading out to work for the day.

            *Talking to God about things as they come to mind.

*Coming in when we were done walking and finding out hubby had made some plans for us for the day as we are not going to the church.

*He's also researching some documentaries for us to watch.  We both enjoy a good documentary.

*Blessings He gives us every day.

            *Health - even though not perfect, we are good.

            *Air to breath

            *A husband who loves me just as I am.

            *A dog who loves me just as I am.

            *Food to eat.

            *And many more blessings each day.

*And I am most thankful for my God who loves me just as I am, but is also helping me to grow and learn to be more like Jesus. I've got a long way to go, but I believe I am farther along in the process than I was a year ago.

Thank you friends, for visiting and I hope each of you take a moment to give thanks to God today too.  



  1. Great post Cathy! Happy Thursday!

  2. "Just as I am, without one plea ..."
    Wishing you and Tracy a most blessed day!

  3. The same hymn came to my mind, "Just as I am". So many day by day blessings for us to be thankful for, ain't God good. Oh Yes He Is. Wishing you a very happy and blessed day!

    1. I'm so glad both of you said that. I hadn't even thought of it, but you both are so right.

  4. Beautiful post. So much to be thankful for. Amen!

    1. There always is, if I just take time to look for it.

  5. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!! Praise Him all creatures here below!

  6. A lovely post, Cathy!! Nice that you and hubby had a day to play!! Have a good weekend ahead!!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
