If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


1. What's the last thing you completely overreacted to?  I can't really think of a thing right now. 

2. Your top five snacks? Ice cream, cake, cookies, chips, fruit.  Now, just because I listed them as the top 5, doesn't mean I can eat them very often. They are definitely not good for me.  Well, the fruit is okay, but even that must be done in moderation.  I do love to have a snack of apples and peanut butter, and we have found some pretty good lower carb ice cream stuff.  That definitely helps.

3. What smell always brings back some type of memory? I'm sure I've told this before, but Fruit Loops, remind me of my grandparents.  Because the first time I ever had Fruit Loops was at their home in Florida.  Elaborate. Unfortunately, I lost my since of smell about 3-4 years ago.  So, if I choose to eat them, I can no longer smell them.  But I still have the memories.

4. What's something you learned from the last book you read? The last book I read was a Christian romance book and I'm not sure I learned anything from it.  But I sure did enjoy it.

5. What's the next thing on your to-buy list? Groceries.  Will you make that purchase before the end of the year? Well, I certainly hope so.  lol  

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great day!



  1. Ha! Ha! Love that random.
    Fruit Loops... what a fun memory indeed.
    xx oo

  2. I'm wondering now if my grands have ever had Fruit Loops. Stringing them onto a necklace was always a VBS craft lol. Groceries are no small purchase these days!! Happy Wednesday!

    1. If they haven't, they must. I still love them and buy them periodically.

  3. Loved your response to the purchase question. Isn't that the truth! What we used to bring home in two bags, now costs double. I see you are a pastor's wife. I am a PK and my now retired husband spent over 50 years in church music. Enjoyed visiting with you today.

    1. My husband has not retired yet and really doesn't want to. When we married 35 years ago, he was a music minister and then he took a new job at another church as the music minister and youth pastor. And about 5 years later he became assistant pastor at our current church and after a few months, the pastor resigned and hubby became the pastor. We have been there almost 28 years. Thanks for visiting.

  4. I am sorry you lost your sense of smell. We take our senses for granted until they get messed up. I enjoyed Fruit Loops too but gave up cereals because I am pre-diabetic. That cartoon was so funny!

    1. It really doesn't bother me too much, however I do miss my scented candles.

  5. Groceries are crazy expensive these days and it seems like prices on certain items go up and up from week to week. Loved your answer to the memory smell question although I'm sorry you've lost your sense of smell. As you say, the memory is still there.

    1. I agree, it's crazy how expensive groceries are now.

  6. It's interesting that you lost your sense of smell. I remember when I had COVID there were some weeks after that when I didn't have my taste back. Texture was important to me. I've always been big on food items with texture.
    Loved that cartoon.

    1. Funny thing is, I never knew I had Covid. I really wasn't ever sick. But all these years later, I still can't smell much.

  7. Now why didn't I think to weigh myself that way?! (*hee-hee*)
    Tom also lost his sense of smell a few years ago, but doesn't seem to know why. I love that you're still able to remember that particular fragrance.

  8. I understand. Yes, those are great snacks but that doesn't mean you eat then everyday. Yes, Fruit Loops are great. Sorry you can't smell them anymore. Glad you enjoyed your book. Love your random.

  9. Fruit loops do have a distinct smell that reminds me of childhood!

  10. I like apples and peanut butter, too. Or bananas with peanut butter. Come to think of it...chocolate and peanut butter is pretty delicious too!! I think I see a trend:)


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
