If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


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1.What was the best (or one of the best) summers of your life? Tell us why. I don't remember any certain summer as being the best of my life.  I enjoyed summer more when I was younger maybe.  But actually I love all the seasons and am just happy for each day of life, no matter the season.

2. When you have a trip coming up do you make a list and check it twice to ensure you don't forget anything? My husband makes the lists (one for each of us) for our trips, but we both follow them.  Or are you a 'throw whatever you can think of into the suitcase at the last minute' kind of packer? I'm more the last minute girl, but I make sure I check off everything on hubby's lists before we leave. When returning from a trip do you unpack immediately or leave the suitcase right where it lands? It all depends on how tired I am when we arrive home.

3. What's your favorite food or beverage made with lemons? Is that a flavor you enjoy? My favorite would probably be strawberry lemonade. I'm not sure there's much of anything else I use lemon in.

4. When was the last time you had to make lemonade out of lemons, figuratively speaking I mean? I can't think of a thing right now.

5. Did you like school growing up? Yes, mostly. Why or why not? I always enjoyed being with my friends. I especially liked grade school and junior high.  I wasn't quite as thrilled with high school, but it was okay.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I stopped by my sisters house a couple of times and played with this
handsome guy. He misses his dad and mom when they are not home.
By the way, my brother-in-law came home yesterday.  He's doing well,
but he is facing some more procedures in the future.  I so appreciate
everyone's prayers.

While I was there, I "stole" some tomatoes from their graden.

I also walked to the back of her property and caught these cows trying to stay in the shade.

I think someone was not very happy with me for not letting
 him go with me, but that part of their land is not all fenced in, 
I made it up to him by playing ball with him for a few minutes.  lol

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great day.



  1. Visiting as your Hodgepodge neighbour. My husband often makes a packing list but I don't think he'd ever think about making one for me lol.

    1. He's done it for years. I guess I got a good one.

  2. Weren't you sweet to go visit that handsome pup...and throw the ball!! Love that photo of the cows trying to share the shade!! I could not think of an answer for #4 either - maybe that is a good thing:) Hope you have a nice Wednesday!!

  3. I'm a compulsive list maker! There's still probably an Excel doc in the computer with everything on it from shoes to Q-tips.
    So glad to hear your BIL's on the mend! (Thank you, God!) Your fur-nephew looks so sweet; that's dear of you to check and comfort him.

  4. I make lists for everything. My kids think I am kooky, too many pen, pencils, notepads. I love it. Prayers for your brother-in-law to keep getting better even with more procedures. Have a blessed rest of the week.

    1. Thank you for the prayers. I know they appreciate them so much.

  5. When we're traveling, my husband is usually incredibly organized, but every now and then he still manages to forget something. It's surprising to me that someone so meticulous can still overlook things from time to time!

    1. Depending where we're going and how long, I try to remember everything, but don't worry to much if I forget something. I figure I can pick up stuff if I need to. There always seems to be a Wal-mart around.

  6. I love the cows. My daughter was just in the Highlands and saw some of the 'hairy cows' they are known for there. So cute! I'm glad your brother-in-law is home. I'm sorry he has more procedures to face, but am glad he's getting the care he needs. I have eaten a lot of tomatoes this summer-they are so good fresh from the garden!

    1. those little yellow ones are the best. Their like eating candy.

  7. I enjoy most seasons (winter not as much as the other two but I'm still trying to find something to enjoy every day anyway). Those tomatoes look yummy! My mother in law has been sharing a lot of her bounty with us and I am loving having so many fresh veggies at my fingertips this year.

    1. Love the tomatoes and having lots of fruit too. Yumm

  8. True, we should be thankful for each day that we have. I enjoyed reading your answers. The pup is cute and glad to hear that your brother in law is home. I will be praying for him. Yum on the tomatoes and strawberries. The cows are cute. Glad you played ball with the pup.

  9. That was nice of you for making sure doggy was okay while his people were away. I think you more than deserved those tomatoes! I would be under the shade of that tree if I was a cow, too. Happy Hodgepodge to you.

  10. Oh, strawberry lemonade is so refreshing and I'm inspired to make some soon after these posts!

  11. I love seeing livestock and miss my weekly visits with Joe to his client, on their ranch. I enjoyed your answers to this week's Hodgepodge!! Have a blessed rest of the week!!

    1. I often remember you sharing pictures with those visits. I loved seeing them.

  12. Enjoyed all your photos! I think "it depends on how tired I am when I get home" is probably the most accurate answer about unpacking and that's kind of how I feel too. Have a wonderful week!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
