If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Monday, September 9, 2024

Bits of This and That - Hello Monday


Good Morning:

We had a really nice weekend.  On Friday hubby had to go have a blood test and then I took him to the church for a couple hours.  I met up with some former co-workers and we took a tour of the old Sheriff's Office and residence in our town.  The building hasn't been used in 10 years and is in really bad shape.  I hope someone will restore it to what it used to be.

I didn't get a picture of the outside on Friday, but stopped by on the way to pick up a friend for church Sunday morning.

This is the lady giving the tour...very interesting stuff.

I loved this stairwell and stain glass window.

I believe this room was the Sheriff's master bedroom and the wall behind the fan separated them from the jail cells.  How'd you like to have to listen to the prisoners when they are brought in intoxicated in the middle of the night.

Some of the jail cells

I'm so glad I went and got to learn about some of the history of our town.  After they finished with this being the residence for the sheriff and adult jail (although juveniles were housed there if needed.) They then turned it into the juvenile jail (which was there during the beginning of my career).  After the juvenile detention center moved, it was turned into county offices and now it's been vacant for 10 years.

Worked this puzzle this weekend.  I love working jigsaw puzzles in the fall and winter months.  And my sister has bunches to share.  I've done 2 so far and have brought three more home when I returned the first 2.  I haven't started those yet.  Below is the #2 puzzle and #1 is on Friday's post.

Saturday night we watched  Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.  Love this annual (well almost annually) marathon. One movie a week.

On Sunday we had church and below is the pre-recorded sermon.  We had a long nap in the afternoon, which was much needed on my part for sure.

Beautiful sun just before sunset as we were driving home.

So how was your weekend.  I'd love to know.  I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah at Hello Monday.

Thanks for visiting.



  1. I love that building. It's a shame that it needs a lot of work. Sounds like a nice tour. Love the puzzle. I really should watch those Harry Potter movies. I love the shot of the sun. Have a great week.

    1. The tour was very interesting. Hope you have a great week Debby

  2. I grew up in a house that had a stained glass window much like that (just with different colors!). That sun hardly looks real! How pretty.

  3. Wow, that sun is amazing!! And I love seeing the old jail/house building! That is really interesting! I do hope they will restore it and use it as a museum or something like that. It'd be a shame to let it continue to decay. Neat puzzle. I've never seen any Harry Potter movies. Probably not my "speed". LOL. Hope you have a good week.

    1. I sure enjoyed putting the puzzle together. Have a good week Pam.

  4. That old jail tour looks like an amazing time; I'm glad they allowed cameras. Imagine, if those walls could talk .....

    1. Oh I know. Wouldn't you just love knowing some of those stories.

  5. That sunset is surreal!! Beautiful!! How interesting about the old jail. I hope someone restores it, as well, just because I hate seeing beautiful historical building fall into disrepair. Keep us posted!!

  6. The pictures of the sun look like paintings. So pretty! That jail and Sheriff's office are fascinating. And I love the architecture, it's a beautiful building. You know, I've never seen any of the Harry Potter movies. But I like your idea of watching a movie a week. Enjoy your tradition!

  7. Today is Lori's Birthday, wish her a Happy Birthday at

  8. Love seeing historical buildings-thanks for sharing and that sunset? Looks like a work of art!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
