If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday Photos

 Good morning:  

I've had a good start to my day.  Lucy and I went out and took a good walk before the temperatures get to high.  It's supposed to get pretty warm today.  Hoping we get some rain, as our grass is getting pretty brown.

Here are a few pictures I've taken in the past couple of days.

We saw this horse and buggy going down the road when we came out of the bakery.  Such a beautiful horse.  This was the only one I saw.  Hubby saw several as he sat in the car and enjoyed the cool breezes when we went in shopping.  He said he saw a man and woman in a wagon and he pulled up to the store and she ran in to get something.  He said when they left he could see in the back, 3 little boys sitting,  I would have loved to have seen that.  

My sister and I went to the cemetery to put some new flowers out.  For some reason, the cemetery was full of vultures and they were very active.  In the past, we've only seen them in the trees in one corner of the cemetery.  But yesterday, they were all over the place.  It was kinda creepy, but cool too.  Fortunately, they were not too close to the ones we decorated,  Of course, I had to take some pictures to show you.

I think this is my favorite one.

Sorry for the glare on these, as I took these pictures through the windshield,

I kinda like how they spread out their wings and just sit there.

Yesterday, I worked this puzzle.  It's been quite awhile since I've worked a puzzle and I really enjoyed it.  I borrowed 2 from my sister.  So I have another one to work today or tomorrow.  She has tons of puzzles, so when I return these 2, I may have to get a couple more.  I love working puzzles this time of year and especially in the winter months coming up. 

Wouldn't you just love to be at this craft sale!

Hubby has 2 days left of his vacation and I'm not sure exactly what we'll be getting into.  Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a wonderful day!



  1. That IS both creepy and cool to see so many vultures at the cemetery. I work on lots of puzzle for fall and winter too. That one is super cute.

    1. My sister has bunches, so I really have no need to buy one, but every once in awhile I will. But of course, she has to be with me so I don't buy one she already has. lol I hope you get lots of time this fall and winter to work lots of puzzles.

  2. That puzzle is great. I am so surprised by all the vultures at the cemetery. Great photos.

  3. I want to walk inside that puzzle! Those vultures are creepy, indeed. I wonder what attracted them.

    1. They are always in the trees in one corner, but I have never seen them out like this...plus there were a bunch circling in the sky too.

  4. Wow! Those vultures really are creepy!! Good golly!!

    1. Yes they were. I was so glad they weren't too close to our family's places. Otherwise, I'm afraid the decorating would have had to wait. lol

  5. Love seeing the Amish buggy and horse. I miss seeing them! I love their farms too. Oh, those vultures are strange at the cemetery! What on earth are they doing there??? Very unusual. I love the puzzle, and yes, it looks like it would be a fun place to visit! I love puzzles, but can't really do them anymore because of my neck, back, shoulders. I could only do a few pieces at a time and that would frustrate me, so I just don't do them. but I do enjoy them...sigh! maybe I'll try again during the fall before we decorate for Christmas. Then there's just no place to set one out and keep it out long enough. Have a lovely weekend. I enjoyed your pictures, even if the buzzards are creepy! LOL.

    1. I don't really have the space to leave them up for long. Part of the reason I mostly only work 300 piece ones. I can usually complete them in a day.

  6. Ugh on the vultures. I loved seeing the Amish buggy, miss seeing those -we saw a lot of that when we lived in upstate NY. Wishing you a beautiful Sunday my friend.

    1. Thank you Linda. We did have a nice Sunday. Hope you did too.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
