If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Monday, September 2, 2024

Share 4 Somethings - August 2024

This is my August edition of Share 4 Somethings, where I'll talk about the things I loved/disliked, accomplished, improved upon/needs improvement and something I noticed. Link-up is here. 

Loved or Disliked: I love that hubby and I both had birthdays in August.  We just bought a birthday cake this past weekend to share for both our birthdays and we enjoyed some of that (the rest of it went out in the trash this morning, because we definitely do not need to eat the whole cake).

Accomplished: I read 4 books in August and have 2 more started.  I'm rather behind on my 2024 Reading Challenge.  I'm not sure I'll reach the goal, but I am sure I will enjoy whatever progress I make.

Improved Upon/Needs Improvement: I've improved on my walking routine in August, especially the last 2 weeks.  I've only missed one day closing all the rings on my Apple watch and I've already got a good start today.

Noticed: I love to go to the movies with my cousins.  Three of us went last week and saw the new Kendrick Brothers movie, The Forge.  I loved this movie and I loved the time with my cousins.  After the movie, we went to Red Robin for dinner.  I had their cheeseburger and it was delicious!  I rarely eat a burger out, but I noticed that I really did enjoy it.

That's the end of my Share 4 Somethings this month.  Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great weekend. Again, the Link-up is here.  

I think I'm going to put up some of our fall decorations today, I mean after all it is September 2nd.  lol  Also, hubby and I watched the first Harry Potter movie on Saturday evening.  Plans are to watch 1 a week until we've been through the entire set, which means we should finish mid October.  This is an annual thing with us each fall.  Well, actually we skipped it last year. But we're back again this year. 



  1. You have hit great goals with walking and reading! I want to go see that movie and hope to do so soon.

  2. Our last Bible study was based on that movie, The Forge! I really want to go see it -- the Reagan one, too. Red Robin has such a fun assortment of burgers, don't they?

    1. Yes, I think I'd like to see the Reagan one too.

  3. I want to see that movie too...and such great goals, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful Monday.

  4. Yum on the cake. Way to go on reading those books and also all the walking you did. We are talking about going back to the show. We haven't been back since the pandemic and we used to go a few times a month. Have a lovely day.

    1. So far, I haven't felt there were any problems in the theater. But I've only been a couple of times.

  5. I loved reading this today! So many of my friends saw that movie this weekend. I hope to see it soon myself!

  6. What a great idea to enjoy the cake and throw the leftovers away; I can't resist it when I keep sweets in the house either. I hope you both had a very happy birthday! I hardly ever eat burgers period; at home or out but I did order one today at the restaurant we went to and it tasted SO good!

  7. I read all of the Harry Potter books but have only watched the first movie. I may need to make that a goal this winter. I really like Red Robin but we don't have one here. Have a blessed week ahead!!

  8. Hmmm.....you've got me thinking I'd like to rewatch the HP movies. I haven't seen them in years. Glad you had happy birthdays and just enough cake. Hubs birthday was Sunday and he asked for key lime pie so that's what I made. We had two couples for dinner so just enough left over for him to have a piece today.


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
