If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Wednesday Medley

Click here if you'd like to join in.

1.  Are there candy canes left in your house right now?  Did you hang some on your tree?  Do you even like them?No there are no candy canes in our house and we did not hang any on our tree (this year, but we have in the past) and I really don't like the taste.

2.  Without a graphic, today is also National Thank You Note Day!  I like receiving that thank you note in the mail for a gift I have given.  Are you good about getting thank you notes in the mail after Christmas (or any occasion calling for a note)? Honestly, I'm not very good that this, but I wish I were.

3.  How are you feeling on this day after Christmas?  Tired, let down, still glowing?  I have felt all of those at one time or another and sometimes all of them at once! Tell us about it. I have to go back to work today and I'm tired, but I don't feel let down.  We had a good Christmas and I enjoyed it, but I think maybe I could have used a day of rest before going back to work.  lol

4  It is "tradition" to leave the tree and decorations up until after January 6th, to honor the Epiphany. When will your boxes be packed and put away until next year?  Are you, like me, thinking about doing it right now?Probably after New Years Day, but I'm not sure it will make it until the 6th.

5. Looking ahead to New Year's Eve, do you have plans?  Have you ever celebrated big in New York's Time Square? Would you even want to be there? We do not have plans for New Year's Eve this year except I hope to stay home and read and watch a movie and crochet and just relax with my husband.  I have to work that day, so we may go grab an early supper after work.  No, I have not celebrated in New York's Time Square and at this point in my life I don't think I'd want to.  I do enjoy watching the ball drop on TV though.

6. Tell us something random about your week so far! I loved being able to video chat with both of our girls as we opened presents yesterday morning.  While we couldn't be together we had so much fun doing it this way.  I am so thankful for this technology.  It makes it so much easier being away from our girls.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and I hope you have a blessed New Years too.



  1. It's so true about the technology. There are bad things about it, but certainly there are good things we only dreamed about 50' years ago! I don't eat candy canes, but I do hang them on the tree for our son and grandkids. Happy new year and enjoy your evening.

  2. I've never engaged in a video chat before! (Probably I'm too lazy to worry about fixing my hair and make-up first. LOL) Your New Years Eve plans sound wonderful!

  3. I need to learn how to do the chat thing so we can see our other grandkids more often and maybe feel more a part of their lives. That is one way technology is a very good thing!
    Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas and your New Year's Eve plans are probably much like mine, though I doubt my husband will make it to 12:00. It's been a long time since he last did.

  4. Like you I enjoy watching the ball drop but I have no desire to go to Time Square for New Year's.

  5. Video chats are just the best!! Glad you enjoyed your Christmas! Thanks for joining in the Medley today!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
