If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Fall Y'all!


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1. It's officially fall y'all...in the northern hemisphere anyway. What are three of your favorite things about this particular season of the year?  

The beautiful colors of the trees 
The cooler temperatures 
Crockpot cooking and soups

2. Your favorite fall fabric-denim, flannel, tweed, corduroy, tartan, polar fleece, leather? Do you own something made with your favorite fall fabric? What I love is wearing hoodies.  

3. According to Everyday Health here are ten healthy fall foods- apples (flavonoids may improve brain health), pears (for heart friendly fiber), cranberries (helps your body fight oxidative stress) winter squash (for eye health), pumpkin (another great source of Vitamin A), leeks (an anti-inflammatory food), brussel sprouts (full of fiber and anti-oxidants), sweet potatoes (loaded with Vit A and C), parsnips (keep your bones healthy with Vit K), and broccoli (may help prevent cancer). How many on the list do you eat on a regular basis? Which one is your favorite? Which one gets a big no thanks from you?   Of this list sweet potatoes is probably the favorite, but I like apples and cranberries too.  Least favorite is brussel sprouts.

4. Tell us about the last time (or a recent time) you experienced a wave of nostalgia? I feel nostalgic when I see pictures of my mom and dad.  The other day I drove by one of the many homes I lived in growing up.  Definitely, it brought back a lot of memories.  Someone has painted it and I think it's very pretty.  But I loved it when dad built it and we lived there.  It was red brick with a beautiful yellow front door.  The 2 window on the right was the girls' bedroom.  All 3 of us girls lived in there.  It was a huge room, or at least as a young girls I thought it was large.  It had pink walls (think Pepto-bismol).  As we lived there dad finished out the basement.  There was a second kitchen down there and a huge fireplace and there was a shuffleboard area worked into the tile and we also had a ping pong table.  So many memories were made in this home, even though we only lived there about 3 1/2 years. 


5. Sept. 22nd was National Daughter's Day. Like mother, like daughter...does this idiom ring true for you? You may answer in terms of your own role as a daughter or, if you have daughters, then your role as a mother of daughters. Yes, I think it's true.  I act like my mom a lot and I'm okay with that.  She was a pretty great lady.  Now if I can be just half as good as her, that would be great.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  Some funnies I ran across and posted on my blog many years ago.  Still, they make me laugh.

I think I found this on a bathroom wall.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a great day.



  1. Oh yes, crockpot cooking and hoodies! That's a great picture of you and your mother, Cathy. I often catch my mother's sayings coming out of my own mouth, but I'm not half the woman she was. These memes are so funny; I actually 'swiped' one for my FB.

    1. I'm sure I swiped them before you. lol I know I feel that way about my mom too. Have a great day.

  2. Those are some of my favorites of fall too! I love riding by my childhome and all the memories from that house. Those sayings are funny! Have a great day!

  3. You definitely favor your momma in looks. I haven't been by the house I grew up in since my mom moved in with my sister, about 45 minutes away from that area. So many happy memories from all the years there with my siblings, parents, our pup. I love a good hoodie too.

  4. Those are wonderful favorite things. Good for you on wearing hoodies. Sweat potatoes are so delicious. Those are sweet memories. Love the photo of you and your mom.

  5. Hi Cathy. like the picture of you and your mom. I look more like my dad's side of the family. That is cool how your day built your house. We don't have basements here in So California. Laughter is good medicine! I love Bible journaling, and I do plan to share pictures next week. Enjoy the rest of your week!


Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a wonderful Day!
